
Brêthes, Jean-Claude

Professeur émérite en océanographie biologique 

Département : Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski

Campus : Campus de Rimouski

Courriel :

Téléphone : 418 723-1986, poste 1779

Téléphone sans frais : 1 800 511-3382, poste 1779

Bureau : P-228

Domaines de recherche :

  • Océanographie
  • Biologie
  • Halieutique
  • Écologie et dynamique des espèces exploitées
  • Systèmes d’exploitation halieutique
  • Écologie marine benthique
  • Écocertifications de pêcheries selon les normes du Marine Stewardship Council

Recherches et expertises

  • 1973 Maîtrise en biologie animale et océanologie, Université Aix-Marseille (France)
  • 1973 Diplôme d’études approfondies (DEA) en océanologie, Université Aix-Marseille-II (France)
  • 1978 Doctorat en océanologie, Université Aix-Marseille-II (France
  • 1992 Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR), Université Rennes-I (France)

Publications et communications


Articles soumis / Submited articles

  • TAMDRARI, H., J.-C. BRÊTHES, M. CASTONGUAY & D. DUPLISEA. Homing and group cohesion in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) revealed by tagging experiments. Journal of Fish Biology (août 2011).

Articles publiés

  • DOYLE S.R., F.R. MOMO, J.-C. BRÊTHES & G. FERREYRA. Sous presse. Metabolic rate and food availability of the Antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica (Chevreux 1906) : seasonal variation in allometric scaling and temperature dependence. Polar Biology.
  • TAMDRARI, H., M. CASTONGUAY, J.-C. BRÊTHES, P. GALBRAITH & D. DUPLISEA. 2011. The dispersal pattern and behaviour of cod in northern Gulf of St. Lawrence : results from tagging experiments. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69 : 112-121.
  • GUAY, C., B. SAINTE-MARIE, J.-C. BRÊTHES & J-M.SÉVIGNY. 2011. Strong maternal effects and extreme heterogeneity of progeny development in the caridean shrimp Sclerocrangon boreas. Marine Biology 158 (12) : 2835-2845.
  • TAMDRARI, H.,M. CASTONGUAY, J.-C. BRÊTHES & D. DUPLISEA. 2010. Density-independent and density-dependent habitat selection of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) based on geostatistical aggregation curves in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. ICES Journal of Marine Science. 67 : 1676–1686.
  • BUI, A.O.V, P. OUELLET P., M. CASTONGUAY & J-C BRÊTHES. 2010. Ichthyoplankton community structure in the Northwest Gulf of St. Lawrence (Canada) : Past and Present. Marine Ecology Progress Series Marine Ecology Progress Series 412 : 189-205. doi : 10.3354/meps08687.
  • TAMDRARI, H.,M. CASTONGUAY, J.-C. BRÊTHES & D. DUPLISEA.2010. Density-independent and density-dependent habitat selection of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) based on geostatistical aggregation curves in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence. ICES Journal of Marine Science doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq108.
  • NADEAU, M., M. BARBEAU, & J.C. BRÊTHES. 2009. Behavioural mechanisms of sea stars (Asterias vulgaris Verrill and Leptasterias polaris Müller) and crabs (Cancer irroratus Say and Hyas araneus Linnaeus) preying on juvenile sea scallops (Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin)), and procedural effects of scallop tethering. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 374 (2) : 134-143.
  • MARION, A., M. HARVEY, D. CHABOT, & J.-C. BRÊTHES. 2008. Feeding ecology and predation impact of the recently established amphipod, Themisto libellula, in the St. Lawrence marine system, Canada. Marine Ecology Progress Series 373 : 53-70.
  • MEDINA, A., J-C, BRÊTHES, J.-M. SÉVIGNY. 2008. Habitat fragmentation and body shape variation of Cephalopholis taeniops (Valenciennes, 1828) in an archipelago system (Cape Verde, Eastern Atlantic Ocean). Journal of Fish Biology 73 : 902-925.
  • PUEBLA, O., J.-M. SÉVIGNY, B. SAINTE-MARIE, J.-C. BRÊTHES, A.D. BURMEISTER, E.G. DAWE & M. MORIYASU. 2008. Population genetic structure of the snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) at the Northwest Atlantic scale. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65 : 425-436.
  • MEDINA, A., J-C, BRÊTHES, J.-M. SÉVIGNY & B. ZAKARDJIAN. 2007. How geographic distance and depth drive ecological variability and isolation of demersal fish communities in an archipelago system (Cape Verde, Eastern Atlantic Ocean). Marine Ecology 28 (3) : 404-413.
  • VALADOU, B., J.-C. BRÊTHES & C.A. INEJIH. 2006. Données biologiques et écologiques sur cinq espèces d’élasmobranches présentes dans les eaux du Parc National du Banc d’Arguin (Mauritanie). Cybium 30(4) : 313-322.
  • BOURGEOIS, M., J.-C. BRÊTHES & M. NADEAU. 2006. Substrate Effects on Survival, Growth and Dispersal of Juvenile Sea Scallop, Placopecten magellanicus (Gmelin 1791). J. Shellfish Research 25 (1) : 43-49.
  • DULUC, C., B. SAINTE-MARIE & J.-C. BRÊTHES. 2005. Value of indicators for assessing recent mating in brachyuran crabs. J. Marine Biological Association, UK 85 : 129-135.
  • SIBERT, V., P. OUELLET & J-C. BRÊTHES. 2004. Changes in yolk total proteins and lipid components and embryonic growth rates during lobster (Homarus americanus) egg development under a simulated seasonal temperature cycle. Marine Biology 144 (6) : 1075-1086.
  • NAUD, M.-J., LONG, B. J.-C. BRÊTHES & R. SEARS. 2003. Influences of underwater bottom topography and geomorphology on minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) distribution in the Mingan Islands (Canada). J. Marine Biological Association, UK, 83 : 889-896.
  • PAILLE, N., B. SAINTE-MARIE & J-C BRÊTHES. 2002. Behavior, growth and survival of instar V lobsters (Homarus americanus) in relation to shelter availability and lobster density. Marine and Freshwater Behavior and Physiology 35(4) : 203-219.
  • GENDRON, L. & J-C. BRÊTHES. 2002. Simulations of the impact of different temporal and spatial allocations of fishing effort on fishing mortality in a lobster (Homarus americanus) fishery. Journal canadien des sciences halieutiques et aquatiques 59 : 899-909.
  • CASTONGUAY, M., C. ROLLET, A. FRÉCHET, P. GAGNON, D. GILBERT & J-C BRÊTHES. 1999. Distribution changes of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) in the northern Gulf of St Lawrence in relation to oceanic cooling. ICES Journal of Marine Science 56 : 333-344.
  • BRÊTHES, J.-C. 1998. The Canadian Atlantic groundfish experince and the constraints to the conservation of fisheries : a perspective. Ocean and Coastal Management 39 : 135-150.
  • LEBLANC, J., C.M. COUILLARD & J.-C. BRÊTHES. 1997. Modifications of the reproductive period in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) living downstream from a bleached craft pulp mill in the Miramichi Estuary, New-Brunswick, Canada. Canadian J. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 54 : 2564-2573.
  • SAINTE-MARIE, B., S. RAYMOND & J-C. BRÊTHES. 1995. Growth and maturation of the benthic stages of male snow crab, Chionoecetes opilio (Brachyura, Majidae). Canadian J. of Fisheries and Aquatic sciences 52 : 903-924.
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