
Pelletier, Émilien

Professeur émérite en écotoxicologie moléculaire en milieux côtiers

Département : Institut des sciences de la mer de Rimouski

Campus : Campus de Rimouski

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Domaines de recherche :

  •  Chimie environnementale et écotoxicologie marine

Recherches et expertises

  • B. Sc. Chimie, UQAR 1975
  • M. Sc. Océanographie, UQAR 1978
  • Ph.D. Chimie, Université McGill 1983

Publications et communications

Publications récentes
  • Soubaneh, Y.D., E. Pelletier, I. Desbiens et C. Rouleau, 2019. Radiolabeling of amide functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes for bioaccumulation study in fish bone using whole-body autoradiography. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,
  • Al-Sid-Cheikh, M., C. Rouleau, D. Bussolaro, C. A. O. Ribeiro et E. Pelletier, 2019. Tissue distribution of radiolabeled 110mAg nanoparticles in fish: Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus). Environmental Science and Technology,  53 : 12043-12053.
  • Vodopivez, C., A. Curtosi, E. Pelletier, L.U. Spairani, E.A. Hernández, and W.P. Mac Cormack, 2019. Element concentrations of environmental concern in surface sediment samples from a broad marine area of 25 de Mayo (King George) Island, South Shetland Islands. Science of the Total Environment 646 : 757–769
  • Lemaire, N. et E. Pelletier, 2018. Un modèle de risque comme outil de gestion d’une aire marine protégée : l’exemple du parc marin du Saguenay–Saint-Laurent. Naturaliste canadien, 142 : 140-156.
  • Maltais, B et E. Pelletier, 2018. Le parc marin du Saguenay–Saint-Laurent : création et gestion participative inédite au Canada. Naturaliste canadien, 142 : 4-17.
  • Pelletier, E., 2018. Les aires marines protégées : Évolution récente et perspectives de développement. Naturaliste canadien, 142 :167-181.
  • Zuykov,M., J. Anderson, P. Archambault, F. Dufresne, and E. Pelletier, 2018. Mytilus trossulus and hybrid (M. edulis-M. trossulus) – New hosts organisms for pathogenic microalgae Coccomyxa sp. from the Estuary and northwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 153 : 145–146,
  • Zuykov, M., J. Anderson and E. Pelletier, 2018. Does photosynthesis provoke formation of shell deformity in wild mytilid mussels infested with green microalgae Coccomyxa? – A conceptual mode land research agenda. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 505 :9-11.
  • Magesky, A. & É. Pelletier, 2018. Molecular stress response against trace metals contamination in aquatic invertebrates. In: Asea A., Kaur P. (eds) Heat Shock Proteins and Stress. Heat Shock Proteins, Vol 15: 193-265, Springer, Cham.
  • Magesky, A. & É. Pelletier, 2018. Cytotoxicity and physiological effects of silver nanoparticles on marine invertebrates. In: Q. Saquib et al. (eds.), Cellular and Molecular Toxicology of Nanoparticles, Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1048:285-309.
  • Bardaxoglou, G., C. Rouleau et É. Pelletier, 2017, High stability and very low dissolution of bare and polymer coated silver nanoparticles dispersed in river and coastal waters. Journal of Aquatic Pollution and Toxicology, 1(2): 15-29.
  • Schoss, I., P. Archambault, D. Breauchesne, M. Cusson, G. Ferreyra, M. Levasseur, É. Pelletier, R. Saint-Louis, 2017. Impacts potentiels cumulés des facteurs de stress liés aux acticités humaines sur l’écosystème marin du Saint-Laurent. Dans : Les hydrocarbures dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent - Enjeux sociaux, économiques et environnementaux (Archambault P, Schloss IR, Grant C, Plante S, éditeurs). Notre Golfe, Rimouski, Qc, Canada, 324 pp.
  • Cusson, E., P. Archambault, K. Lemarchand, J. Verreault et É. Pelletier, 2017. Toxicité des hydrocarbures et impacts des déversements sur les organismes marins et leur environnement. Dans : Les hydrocarbures dans le golfe du Saint-Laurent - Enjeux sociaux, économiques et environnementaux (Archambault P, Schloss IR, Grant C, Plante S, éditeurs). Notre Golfe, Rimouski, Qc, Canada, 324 pp.
  • Osterheld K., Millour M., Pelletier É., Magesky A., Doiron K., Lemarchand, K., Gagné J.-P. 2018. Nanotoxicity of silver nanoparticles: from environmental spill to effects on organismsIn Environmental Toxicity of Nanomaterials (Kumar V., Dasgupta N., Ranjan V. Eds). Chap.9: 191-240. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,Boca Raton, United States.
  • Magesky, A., C. Belzile et E. Pelletier 2017. Cell–mediated immune response of postmetamorphic sea urchin juveniles against infectious stages of diatom Cylindrotheca closterium (Bacillariophyceae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, 148: 124-128.
  • Glinski, A., Liebel, S., Pelletier, É., Voigt, C.L., Randi, M.A.F., Campos, S.X., Oliveira Ribeiro, C.A., Filipak Neto 2016. Toxicological interactions of silver nanoparticles and organochlorine pesticides in mouse peritoneal macrophages. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, 26(40):1-9
  • Magesky A. C. A. O. Ribeiro, L. Beaulieu et E. Pelletier 2016. Silver nanoparticles and dissolved silver activate contrasting immune responses and stress-induced Hsp expression in sea urchin. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. 36: 1872–1886
  • Oliveira, H.P., C. Rouleau, I. Desbiens, C. A.O. Ribeiro et E. Pelletier, 2016. Dual isotopes imaging in whole-body autoradiography (WBARG): distribution of 14C-benzo-a-pyrene and 113Sn-tributyltin in mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus). Journal of Radioanalysis and Nuclear
  • Magesky, A., C.A.O. Ribeiro et E. Pelletier 2016. Physiological effects and cellular responses of metamorphic larvae and juveniles of sea urchin exposed to ionic and nanoparticulate silver. Aquatic Toxicology, 174: 208-227.
  • Magesky, A. et E. Pelletier 2015. Toxicity mechanisms of ionic silver and polymer-coated silver nanoparticles with interactions of functionalized carbon nanotubeson early development stages of sea urchin. Aquatic Toxicology, 167: 106-123.
  • Annane, S., L. St-Amand, M. Starr, E. Pelletier, G. A. Ferreyra 2015. Contribution of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) to estuarine particulate organic carbon pool. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 529: 17-34.
  • Boisvert, C., L. Beaulieu, C. Bonnet and E. Pelletier, 2015. Assessment of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of three specie of edible seeweeds. Journal of Food Biochemistry, 39: 377-387.
  • Vodopivez, C., A. Curtosi, E. Villaamil, P. Smichoski, E. Pelletier and W.P. Mac Cormack, 2015. Heavy metals in sediments and soft tissues of the Antarctic clam Laternula elliptica : More evidence as a possible biomonitor of coastal marine pollution at high latitudes. Science of Total Environment. 502: 375-384.
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